Financing and securities

Many Real Estates have been financed with loan capital, but the type and degree of financing can vary greatly and so do the interests of the stakeholders involved. Our specialists assist entrepreneurs, financiers and high-net-worth families with entering into and laying down the terms of loans, rights of pledge and mortgages and the transactions involved.

Customisation makes the difference

When you arrange financing, the lender (usually the bank) requires the provision of various securities to maximise the chances of the bank getting its money back. This may involve collateral security such as a right of pledge or mortgage, as well as personal security such as surety and joint and several liability.But the legislation on this is complex and lenders - such as banks - often use a lot of ‘fine print'. Understanding your personal situation makes all the difference here, including to strengthen your negotiating position.

What we do

Whether this concerns new financing, refinancing, or bridging financing, with a bank, a private party or within a high-net-worth family; if you need advice on such matters, feel free to contact one of our financing specialists.

Get in touch

For questions, you can always call us. Or leave your email address or phone number here, and we will get back to you.

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Team Financing and securities

Jessica Alvarez Castaño

Legal Officer

Richard Schaefers

Civil-law Notary (Partner)

Joris Schoenmaeckers

Legal Officer

Rob Mollema

Civil-law Notary (Partner)