Real Estate transactions

Real Estate is a dynamic industry where agreements underpin transactions and entrepreneurship. Whether you’re developing or buying offices, shopping centres or housing, there is always legislation involved. Consider, for example, civil law rules, but sometimes also administrative law and tax issues.

Purchase and sale

In Real Estate, transactions mainly concern property when it comes to buying, selling and modifying a right of ownership, or right in rem. The experienced transaction team of Kienhuis Legal will assist you in the successful purchase or sale of real estate, be it new construction, old construction, a shell home or equity. Do you need advice? We are at your service. In cooperation with the other advisers involved, we guide purchasers and sellers of real estate through the completion of the purchase agreement, up to and including delivery and the transfer of funds.

What we do

You can turn to us for all aspects related to transactions;

  • The Letter of Intent; the letter that often already sets out the principles for the transaction

  • The transaction structure (for example: is the shell transferred, or the shares)

  • Due diligence on the Real Estate

  • Establishing the sale and laying down the agreements made in the purchase agreement

  • Financing and securities. It often involves the creation of a mortgage, a right of pledge, or other securities.

Depending on the nature of the property and type of transaction, we work closely with our leasing team, our environmental specialists, or, for example, other advisers involved, such as tax specialists. Kienhuis Legal has a practical and (cost-)efficient approach. We like to contribute ideas, think along, adapt quickly and keep things as simple as possible.

Get in touch

For questions, you can always call us. Or leave your email address or phone number here, and we will get back to you.

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Team Property transactions

Richard Schaefers

Civil-law Notary (Partner)

Robert de Vries

Lawyer (Partner)

Marianne ten Feld - Sprik

Senior lawyer

Joris Schoenmaeckers

Legal Officer

Jessica Alvarez Castaño

Legal Officer

Tessa Krops

Deputy Civil-law Notary

Anne Jansen

Legal Officer

Pieter Schut

Civil-law Notary (Partner)