Project and area development

Project and area development processes are often lengthy. Not only do the interests of the municipality, developers and investors play a role, the interests of landowners, local residents, entrepreneurs and housing associations must also be taken into account. This naturally poses challenges. It is good to then have the support of a partner who has experience in this.

Several legal questions

In project development processes, choices need to be made regarding the development strategy, land policy, cost recovery and the cooperation strategy between all project partners. This involves several legal issues. Should the cooperation partner be tendered? Can land in the area covered by the plan be awarded one-to-one to market parties, e.g. as part of land exchanges? And how exactly is the value of the land determined?

The municipality may wish to have only a facilitating role in a development. Then it is important for both the market party involved and the municipality to formulate the agreements in such a way that no obligation to tender arises. This can be tricky, for example when the municipality does want to have decisive influence on the design. Or when it involves work on the (future) public space. Our advisers will help you with this.

What we do

We advise and litigate on behalf of all parties: municipalities, developers, investors, contractors and housing associations. You can also contact us for environmental law aspects and the next phase of development. Our expertise enables us to guide you throughout the process. We can provide advice on matters like state aid, procurement law and the application of the so-called Didam ruling, as well as the drafting of tendering guidelines. We can also draft or review the necessary agreements such as a letter of intent, cooperation agreement or anterior agreement. A single legal partner for the entire procedure; makes things simple!

Get in touch

For questions, you can always call us. Or leave your email address or phone number here, and we will get back to you.

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Team Project and area development