Personal data and privacy

Many companies and organisations hold personal data on citizens. And you yourself (un)consciously share personal data about yourself. To prevent abuse, there are laws and regulations protecting your privacy. Protecting personal data is obviously important, but it isn’t always clear what is allowed and what is not, and how this is enforced. Kienhuis Legal will help you translate the rules into practical action points.

Protecting rights

Personal data hold great value for many organisations and, at the same time, are of fundamental importance to citizens. In order to maximise that value, protect the rights of stakeholders, and at the same time prevent image damage, Kienhuis Legal guards you from the consequences of unlawful processing of personal data. The protection of privacy and handling of data is now regulated in various laws and conventions. The most important law in this area is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), also known in everyday usage as theprivacy actor, in the Netherlands, the ‘AVG’ (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming).

What we do

We translate the open standards from the GDPR and other regulations around data security into practical action points. By doing this carefully, we reduce the risk of disputes on the legality of data processing. In the unlikely event of an (imminent) fine, or other measures by the Data Protection Authority, our specialists are ready to provide support. You can also turn to us if you are a victim of ransomware or CEO fraud. Or if your company faces a data breach. The step by-step plan of Kienhuis Legal will then help you quickly take the right legal steps to limit your damages.

Want to know more? Do contact us.

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Team Personal data and privacy