Intellectual property and innovation protection

A new product, brand, or technology is not only cause for joy; it also requires the right protection so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of some other party. Knowledge-driven organisations depend on being able to protect their intellectual property and trade secrets. Because intellectual property is very valuable today, it is regularly negotiated and litigated. In such a case, you want to be able to lean on the knowledge of an experienced business partner.

Golden egg

Intellectual property (IP) and trade secrets can rightly be termed the goose that lays the golden eggs in innovative organisations. And these must be well protected. It is therefore important to obtain the right rights so that research and development are properly secured.

Freedom to operate

When IP or trade secrets are the result of business activities, it is necessary to adequately protect them against unauthorised use and to ensure that your products do not infringe third-party rights. We call this the 'freedom to operate'. To ensure continuity, it may be necessary to transfer your IP rights to a part of the organisation that is exposed to as little risk as possible. So you don’t risk your goose and its golden eggs, in good as well as in trying times.

What we do

There are often large financial interests involved in IP transactions. IP therefore often plays a crucial role in the valuation in mergers and acquisitions. The expertise of Kienhuis Legal is valuable in merger or acquisition projects involving IP. You may also be faced with a breach of intellectual property rights or information relating to trade secrets. IP law then provides enforcement tools such as the surrender of profits and destruction of infringing goods.

Our experienced lawyers at Kienhuis Legal will generally try to avoid litigation, but will of course assist you in legal proceedings, should they prove unavoidable. We will help you establish and implement a future-proof IP portfolio. This way, you not only ensure the sustainable availability of licensed knowledge and technology, but you also protect and exploit your own intellectual property with due care - internally, in your organisation as well as externally. Would you like to know more or do you have questions? Do feel free to contact us.

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Team Intellectual property and innovation protection

Lesley Broos

Lawyer (Partner)

Eduard Lievens

Senior lawyer