Last will and testament

A good last will and testament arranges your affairs when you are no longer around. Thinking about this is not always pleasant, but if everything is properly arranged, a last will and testament gives peace of mind and clarity for when you are no longer there, for you and your loved ones.

No last will and testament?

Without a last will and testament, the principles of Dutch law apply. Suppose you are living together, unmarried, and your partner dies without having made a will. Then the assets will be inherited by your partner's family. But should you come to pass away, even a business of your own would automatically be inherited by your children. So if you want to arrange that differently, drawing up a last will and testament is of great use. In a last will and testament, you can determine who inherits the estate, who inherits certain goods, and to whom you would like to leave your business. And to whom you would rather not. In addition, you can lay down who should have guardianship of the children, and who will execute the last will and testament for you.

Inheritance tax

Taxation plays a major role in drafting the last will and testament. A tax-friendly will can result in huge savings on (inheritance) tax. We will help you record your wishes as well as possible, taking full advantage of tax regulations. For example, you can arrange to defer the payment of inheritance tax until after the death of the surviving partner. Or you can stipulate that a claim in the estate becomes due and payable if it reduces the contribution the surviving partner has to pay for care, and that certain assets accrue to specified persons free of tax. Incidentally, the law also allows for (annual) tax-free gifts.

What we do

Everything starts with understanding your personal situation. The civil-law notaries in our family law department will discuss this and other matters with you on a personal level, and advise you on how to record your wishes in the most optimal way possible.

Get in touch

For questions, you can always call us. Or leave your email address or phone number here, and we will get back to you.

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Team Last will and testament

Madeline Westers - Koopmans

Deputy Civil-law Notary

Jolanda Steenhuis

Legal Officer

Sabine Kerver

Legal Officer

Henry van Halen

Civil-law Notary (Partner)

Maria-Simone Verweij - Grimmelikhuijsen

Assigned Civil-law Notary