Living will

The term ‘living will’ is used in the Netherlands to describe a strictly personal, revocable document in which a person lays down what their wishes are should they no longer be able to perform certain or all actions or to make certain or all decisions, whether private or business.

Certainty during life

Who will help you with important decisions if you can no longer take these yourself? For example, when it comes to medical decisions, the sale of your home, banking matters and the control over your company. In a living will, you lay down who takes care of financial, medical and personal matters if circumstances prevent you from doing so yourself. And in what way this should be done. This way, you are still in control.

Does your situation change?

Do you already have a last will and testament or a living will? It is advisable to review these documents regularly and determine whether they still align with your situation and comply with the applicable legislation. Does your situation change? Then a review of your living will is essential. Just putting a living will through the shredder makes no sense and has no effect. Only a civil-law notary can revoke and/or amend your living will.

What we do

Everything starts with understanding your personal situation and your wishes for the future. The civil-law notaries of Kienhuis Legal will discuss these with you and advise you in a personal, tailored manner.

Get in touch

For questions, you can always call us. Or leave your email address or phone number here, and we will get back to you.

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Team Living will

Madeline Westers - Koopmans

Deputy Civil-law Notary

Jolanda Steenhuis

Legal Officer

Sabine Kerver

Legal Officer

Henry van Halen

Civil-law Notary (Partner)

Maria-Simone Verweij - Grimmelikhuijsen

Assigned Civil-law Notary