Financing and securities

Financing is often needed to do business. This could be achieved in the form of an investment, bank financing or by issuing corporate bonds, for example. Financing generally goes hand-in-hand with the lender requiring repayment and seeking security for this aspect. This can be provided as a right of pledge or mortgage rights as well as collateral or personal security. But the legislation on this is complex and lenders - such as banks - often use a lot of ‘fine print'.

Risk hedging

The credit markets are constantly changing. Besides traditional bank financing, alternative financing options such as crowdfunding and fundraising are becoming increasingly common. As a financing party, you want the security to be designed in the right way and the risks to be hedged.

Being one step ahead

Are you looking for financing instead? Then appropriate conditions and clear documentation are important. A bank may eventually terminate your financing or want to enforce its security interests. This can happen if obligations arestructurallynot met, if financial information is not provided on time, or if the structure of the company is changed without prior approval from the bank. This can cause financial problems, which of course is something you’d rather avoid.

What we do

Our specialists are highly experienced in all aspects of financing and securities. They support companies, financial institutions and leasing companies in complex financing issues and disputes. We also offer custom advice, for example on how to terminate financing, lay down financing agreements, and we help assess and lay down contractual security. You can also turn to the specialists at Kienhuis Legal for the provision oflegal opinionsin the context of credit facilities as well as for the actual establishment of these securities.

Our expertise enables us to provide quick support, identify the securities you want and strategically advise on the best options for your business.

Would you like more information? Please contact one of our specialists, no strings attached.

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Team Financing and securities

Jessica Alvarez Castaño

Legal Officer

Richard Schaefers

Civil-law Notary (Partner)

Joris Schoenmaeckers

Legal Officer

Rob Mollema

Civil-law Notary (Partner)