No one is looking for conflict. Still, a legal dispute or conflict cannot be avoided in some cases. This can range from a dispute over a purchase, damages, loss or injury suffered or a disagreement over property rights.

Legal assistance

Social relations are becoming more businesslike. This also causes an increase in the number of proceedings. Ideally, we would prefer to avoid disputes altogether, but sometimes this does not suffice. You may face proceedings or be forced to initiate them. In such cases, you can count on the legal support of Kienhuis Legal. In disagreements, emotions play a role and then it helps to have someone observe at more of a distance. We do so in matters including commercial disputes, but also in the field of liability and before the Netherlands Enterprise Court at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.

How we help

There are various types of disputes and work related to them like drafting summonses, sending notices of default, fields like the performance of obligations, breach of contract and imputable failure to perform. Common disputes concern performance not meeting expectations, the suspension of contractual obligations, cancellation and termination of contracts and agreements, and force majeure. But we also provide support in settlement agreements, international proceedings, attachment and enforcement law, preliminary relief proceedings, proceedings on the merits (substantive proceedings) and appeals, arbitration, shareholder disputes and acquisition disputes. Our team can help you should any of these cases apply to you.

The lawyers at Kienhuis Legal will lessen your burden and advise you on the best approach for a good outcome. If necessary, we conduct civil proceedings in courts and with arbitration institutions. We also know the ins and outs of attachment and execution. But we most love solving these at an early stage.

Would you like to know more? Please do contact us, no strings attached.

Get in touch

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Team Disputes

Lesley Broos

Lawyer (Partner)

Eduard Lievens

Senior lawyer

Daniël de Haan

Associate Partner

Mark Huizenga

Associate Partner

Marc van Rijnsoever

Lawyer (Partner)

Hendrie Aarnink

Lawyer (Partner)

David Bos

Lawyer (Partner)

Marjan Koelemeijer

Associate Partner

Arjen Westerdijk

Lawyer (Partner)

Joost van Ruiven

Lawyer (Partner)