Governance of care

Good governance and supervision are important conditions for good care. With the Healthcare Governance Code (Zorgbrede Governancecode), healthcare organisations adhere to 7 principles that are widely supported across the sector. The code is an instrument to organise governance in such a way that it contributes to guaranteeing good care, achieving the social objectives of healthcare organisations and social trust.

Laws and regulations

Governance refers to proper administration and the (internal) supervision thereof. This is an important issue and healthcare organisations are logically keen to get this right. A solid structure and optimal functioning of the board of directors and the supervisory board is important. Regulations can make this complex, especially because this can change. Consider new legislation (the Healthcare and Care Providers Accreditation Act ((a)Wtza), the Management and Supervision of Legal Entities Act (WBTR), the Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector Standards for Remuneration Act (WNT) and the Healthcare Governance Code 2022).

It goes without saying that our clients, from large to small, must also comply with the governance rules. These rules are often even a condition for being allowed to provide care. We therefore ensure that our clients know exactly which rules they must comply with and what steps must be taken to achieve this. We do this through individual advice, in newsletters or by organising seminars.

What we do

Kienhuis Legal has the experience to structure the healthcare organisation in such a way that the governance requirements are met. Our lawyers work closely with the notarial practice, for example when drawing up articles of association, regulations and other agreements. If necessary, we assist our clients in disputes between the bodies of the legal entity, for example at the Healthcare Governance Committee (Governancecommissie Zorg) or the Netherlands Enterprise Court (Ondernemingskamer).

The specialists at Kienhuis Legal are happy to think along with you about the optimal design of the structure and associated documents. In the event of governance disputes there are various options to reach a solution, whereby we always strive to come to a sustainable solution fitting to the human work characterising healthcare. Needless to say, we are up to date with current laws, regulations and case law, as well as developments in healthcare - in short: all the challenges you face.

If you want to know more, Please do not hesitate to contact our specialists.

Get in touch

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Team Governance of care

Yvonne Nijhuis

Associate Partner